Thursday, October 2, 2008

Blues Brothers 25th Anniversary Edition The Full Frame Extended Edition

Blues Brothers 25th Anniversary Edition, The (Full Frame, Extended Edition)

Blues Brothers 25th Anniversary Edition, The (Full Frame, Extended Edition)...'The Blues Brothers 25th Anniversary Edition' includes 'The Blues Brothers Extended Version' and 'The Blues Brothers Original Theatrical Edition.' After the release of Jake Blues (John Belushi) from prison, he and brother Elwood (Dan Aykroyd) go to visit the orphanage where they were raised by nuns. They learned that the church stopped its support and will sell the place unless the tax on the property is paid within 11 days. The brothers decide to raise the money by putting their blues band back together and staging a big gig. They may be on a 'mission from God' but they're making enemies everywhere they go. Featuring performances by some of blu es finest, James Brown, Cab Calloway, Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin and co-starring John Candy, Carrie Fisher, Henry Gibson and Steve Lawrence.

Stories Behind the Making of 'The Blues Brothers'; Introduction to the film by Dan Aykroyd; 'Going Rounds' - A day on the Blues Brothers Tour; Transposing the Music.Featurette, Production Notes, Double Sided/Dual Layer.... Click here or on the image for details

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